The Redemption of Christmas
One of the things Catholicism did for me was give me back Christmas. It seems that all of the really bad things that happened to me in the last few years before my conversion (and there have been some doozies) happened around Christmas. I began to hate the season intensely. Then, as part of my RCIA, I was introduced to the concept of the liturgical calendar. I had no idea before that there was even such a thing as Advent. Not only did this discovery deepen and sanctify Christmas for me, it made the whole season clean again in some strange way.
Even now, four Christmases after my reception into the church, Advent continues to become more and more significant. This year, I realized more clearly that Advent is a penitential season, one that prepares us to receive the God of Heaven to the earth. I don't know about you, but I can use all the penitential seasons the Church can throw at me.
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